1. 1

    Chthonic - 49 Theurgy Chains

  2. 2

    Chthonic - 合掌 (gassho)

  3. 3

    Chthonic - A Crimson Sky's Command

  4. 4

    Chthonic - Across The Sea

  5. 5

    Chthonic - Autopoiesis

  6. 6

    Chthonic - Banished into Death

  7. 7

    Chthonic - Bloody Cloud

  8. 8

    Chthonic - Bloody Gaya Fulfilled

  9. 9

    Chthonic - Bloody Waves Of Sorrow

  10. 10

    Chthonic - Blooming Blades

  11. 11

    Chthonic - Breath Of Ocean

  12. 12

    Chthonic - Broken Jade

  13. 13

    Chthonic - Carved in Bloodstone

  14. 14

    Chthonic - Deep Rising

  15. 15

    Chthonic - Drawing Omnipotence Nigh

  16. 16

    Chthonic - Drift Out To Mystery

  17. 17

    Chthonic - Enthrone

  18. 18

    Chthonic - Exultant Suicide

  19. 19

    Chthonic - Flames upon the Weeping Winds

  20. 20

    Chthonic - Floated Unconsciously In the Acheron

  21. 21

    Chthonic - Forty-Nine Theurgy Chains

  22. 22

    Chthonic - Grab The Soul To Hell

  23. 23

    Chthonic - Guard The Isle Eternally

  24. 24

    Chthonic - Hearts Condemmed

  25. 25

    Chthonic - Holy War

  26. 26

    Chthonic - Indigenous Laceration

  27. 27

    Chthonic - Invasion

  28. 28

    Chthonic - Kaoru

  29. 29

    Chthonic - Legacy Of The Seediq

  30. 30

    Chthonic - Mahakala

  31. 31

    Chthonic - Masked Faith

  32. 32

    Chthonic - Mother Isle Disingrated, Aboriginal Gods Enthroned

  33. 33

    Chthonic - Next Republic

  34. 34

    Chthonic - Nightmare

  35. 35

    Chthonic - Oceanquake

  36. 36

    Chthonic - One Thousand Eyes

  37. 37

    Chthonic - Onset Of Tragedy

  38. 38

    Chthonic - Painkiller

  39. 39

    Chthonic - Progeny of Rmdaxtasing

  40. 40

    Chthonic - Quasi Putrefaction

  41. 41

    Chthonic - Quell The Souls In Sing Ling Temple

  42. 42

    Chthonic - Rage Of My Sword

  43. 43

    Chthonic - Relentless Recurrence

  44. 44

    Chthonic - Resurrection Pyre

  45. 45

    Chthonic - Revert To Mortal Territory

  46. 46

    Chthonic - Rise Of The Shadows

  47. 47

    Chthonic - Root Regeneration

  48. 48

    Chthonic - Sail Into The Sunset's Fire

  49. 49

    Chthonic - Set Fire To The Island

  50. 50

    Chthonic - Sing Linng Temple

  51. 51

    Chthonic - Souls of the Revolution

  52. 52

    Chthonic - Southern Cross

  53. 53

    Chthonic - Spell Of Setting Sun: Mirror Of Retribution

  54. 54

    Chthonic - Summon of China

  55. 55

    Chthonic - Supreme Pain For The Tyrant

  56. 56

    Chthonic - Takao

  57. 57

    Chthonic - Taste the Black Tears

  58. 58

    Chthonic - The Aroused

  59. 59

    Chthonic - The Gods Weep

  60. 60

    Chthonic - The Silent One's Torch

  61. 61

    Chthonic - Unlimited Taiwan

  62. 62

    Chthonic - Venom In My veins

  63. 63

    Chthonic - Where the Utux Ancestors Wait

  64. 64

    Chthonic - Yen Geh Shin

  65. 65

    Chthonic - 一念無名 (yī niàn wú míng)

  66. 66

    Chthonic - 千歲 (qiān suì)

  67. 67

    Chthonic - 天誅 (tiān zhū)

  68. 68

    Chthonic - 失落的令旗 (shīluò de lìngqí)

  69. 69

    Chthonic - 昭應 (zhao ying)

  70. 70

    Chthonic - 本順 (bǎn jùn)

  71. 71

    Chthonic - 烏牛欄大護法 - 交響版 (Millennia's Faith Undone) (Orchestral version)

  72. 72

    Chthonic - 烏牛欄大護法 (wū niú lán dà hù fǎ)

  73. 73

    Chthonic - 燕歌行 (yen geh hsin)

  74. 74

    Chthonic - 皇軍 - 交響版 (Takao) (Orchestral version)

  75. 75

    Chthonic - 真武

  76. 76

    Chthonic - 越海 第二樂章 - 深耕 (yuè hǎi dì èr lè zhāng - shēn gēng)

  77. 77

    Chthonic - 鑒國 (jiàn guó)

  78. 78

    Chthonic - 開眼

  79. 79

    Chthonic - 髮扣帶 (fà kòu dài)

  80. 80

    Chthonic - 髮扣帶 (fà kòu dài) (Special Version)

Mother Isle Disingrated, Aboriginal Gods Enthroned


電崩雷鳴 山潰川漲震地
母島東岸海底 數萬具昏睡神靈
經數百年沈寂 KuitnaLazin率先甦醒

百步蛇王 捲起千堆浪
鳥禽飛紛亂 走獸萬頭竄
Sikazozo 足落地裂浪散
開天之巨神 高聳佇於海


眾神諸靈步近岸邊 旋風狂作海嘯高捲
岸角峭壁守軍群起 天兵天將首衝之敵

汝軍速降還你完身"(by 漢神)
置命於外定要諸漢神滅"(by 原神)

數萬祖靈心懷忿恨 疾速趨前步風陣陣
石斧飛落竹箭齊射 天兵皆亡血流成河
忍數百年之屈辱 今日終再踏故土
敵我間已展開殺戮 殺出此不歸之途

八仙眾神聞變亦來"(by 漢神)
勿怪將汝殘殺精光"(by 原神)
Nivenu怒赫震風雲 五百羅漢屍橫無際
Saluman碎呂洞賓劍 Arajang斷韓湘子笛
眾軍前進肆殺敵兵 千萬頑軍人頭落地
數萬神靈 向四面湧去
母島各地 掀起神界戰役
靈氣乍現 白光耀炫
雲霧盡散揚 觀世音靈顯

"眾番妖別再續戰 朝吾天庭參拜
即時降回首是岸  爾等受封掌兵百萬"(by 觀音)

勸降語未盡 觀音遭蛇環綑肢體
雲豹驟而噬其首級 鮮血四濺碎屍遍地

四大金剛手持兵器 亡命抵抗遭毀屍滅頂
Sikazozo力拔山河 如來尊者倒地不敵
巨變動盪紛亂四起 四御大帝催架竄避
三清至尊急下聖令 漢神諸軍儘速撤離

祖靈殺進寺院廟宇 劈磚碎瓦毀神滅祈
八方后土四竄如鼠 遁逃不及殲滅殆盡
眾漢神祇慘死無遺 天地變色山川崩圮
各族神靈奪回故土 威震海洋氣盪島嶼


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