Take a look at me Wired to a machine Never would believe it This can't be happening Boxes that go beep Little lights that leap Tapping on a keyboard What's happening to me? And when the electricity starts to flow
The fuse that's on my sanity's got to blow
System addict - i never can get enough - System addict - never can give it up
Beauty or a beast Don't know which i see Still i couldn't leave it Fascination won't cease You know it's got the best of me
Sight and sound untangled in complexity all around
System addicrt - i never can get enough -
And when it gets to be too much - can't go on - I really need the human touch But i'm too far gone - Yes I'm too far gone No i can't go on
System addict - i never can get enough - System addict - i never can get enough - System addict - i never can get enough -